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Refund Policy

REFUND POLICY accepts returns for a Full Refund as long it meets the following conditions

    • Products must be returned in original, new and unused condition with all original packaging and accessories and will require a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.

      Alternatively, you can contact a FHI HEAT's Customer Service representative at or 323.334.2900.

    • Products returned for a refund must be returned within 14 days of receipt. Shipping and Handling fees are nonrefundable, and the customer is responsible for paying the return shipping.

    • Refunds will be issued in the same method as the original method of payment.

    • With any returns during a promotional gift/bogo offer, free gifts/bogo items must be included with your return purchase process. If not returned, you will be charged for the original price of the free gift/bogo offer.

      Products not eligible for return will be returned at your expense if they are not purchased from